10 Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude in the Winter

10 Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude in the Winter

The wintertime is notorious for making our moods tank. It happens and that’s okay, but there’s no reason we should wallow in it and give up on feeling good during the coldest months of they year. Some of the things that have helped me along the way:

  1. Think positive: Keep your thoughts as positive and uplifting as you can. It may not be as simple as just thinking positive, but it can be done and is very beneficial all around. How you go about this is up to you, but some ideas are to write down a list of things you’re grateful for each day, reflect on any good that happened in a blog post or journal, or look for positive posts on social media. It can also be good to surround yourself with positive words and people.
  2. Take care of yourself: Self-care is very important to our overall wellbeing. If you don’t take care of yourself, then who will? Also, who will help your loved ones if you are not first taking care of yourself so that you can help them? So rest you need to rest, take time to recharge such as reading or taking a walk, and eat healthy to fuel your body to perform its best!
  3. Have a family night:  Spend quality time with your family. Whether you hold a movie night, game night, or simply a family meal together once a week, it is good for the whole family’s wellbeing. It boosts your mood to have bonding experiences where everyone benefits in some way. Not to say that it’s all a puppies and rainbows, as we all know there are difficulties getting along sometimes, but it helps in the long run!
  4. Go play in the snow! If you live where it snows, go out and play in the snow on occasion. Even adults can have fun building snowmen, forts, and hills to climb or slide down. It’s also freeing and exciting to go sledding and make snow angels! So definitely try it sometime!
  5. Snuggle with your pets: A good snuggle with your pets can be therapeutic and lift up your mood by simply having that closeness with them. It makes you feel happier and more positive overall to experience the contact and express your love and care for them. Go love on those furbabies!
  6. Take advantage of sunny or warmer days! Whenever it is sunny or warmer, take advantage of it and get outside! Soak up the sun’s rays for the wonderful, and very necessary, Vitamin D! We lack that vitamin in the winter, especially in a snowy or gloomy climate. So those days when it is sunny or warmer are very important to take advantage of!
  7. Exercise consistently: I know that our motivation to exercise often goes out the window in the colder months, but do whatever you can to keep your motivation high: search Facebook or Pinterest for inspiration, listen to your favorite music that helps pump you up, or remember why it’s important for you to continue exercising even now. Then stick with it!
  8. Cuddle with your kiddos: Just like it’s good for your health to snuggle with your pets, it’s just as beneficial to hug and love on your kids. Plus, it’s good for them too! These little cuddle sessions help remind you both that you’re not alone and that you are loved, and that is a good thing anytime of the year.
  9. Focus on the good: Similar to thinking positive, focusing on the good each day will teach your mind to hone in on those moments, which in turn helps lift your mood. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at it and the easier it will to keep a positive attitude!
  10. Keep moving forward: No matter what else you do, keep moving forward with your goals and interests. It will all add up as time goes by. While it’s sometimes hard to see, you are making progress. It will become visible with time, trust me!

Winter doesn’t have to be a time of low mood and low energy, it can be a time of thriving and positivity. Practice some or all of these tips for the rest of the winter and see how it can change your life and your attitude!

What are your favorite ways to keep a positive attitude in the winter? How often do you take part in them?



14 thoughts on “10 Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude in the Winter

  1. Those are great! I love snuggling with pets! My dogs are the biggest stress relief out there (except when they’re naughty and then they are the stress.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For me, I was living in Indiana where it is snowy and/or rainy a lot of the time. Now we moved to California (where we’re originally from) in September. I’m so relieved to be where there is more sunshine and nicer weather! However, we’ve gotten a lot of much needed rain and the gloominess was wearing on me a bit.


  2. Good post. Because winter is extremely long in NW Wisconsin, I like to schedule in a few fun things per month – places to go, people to see, play to watch, etc. Those, along with the pets and exercising and watching favorite comfort food movies, help a lot!

    Liked by 1 person

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